Certified Translations service

How Do You Know If An Agency Is Able To Certify Translations?

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If you ask your dad how did he know which watermelon to buy, he will not be able to tell you. It is just an instinct for him. But as you grow older, your instinct will also become stronger. You will be able to figure out things on your own. And you will just know what the right decision in a certain situation is. However, this won’t always work because, in life, not everything can be decided based on your instincts. There are things that you will have to logically analyze and consider plenty of things before you can reach a conclusion about them.

Certified Translations and Where to Get Them?


There are many types of services that linguistic experts can offer you. If you are a business owner and wish to expand to a new territory, you will need help with the marketing content. A linguistic expert with relevant experience will help you in winning the hearts of your target audience. But if you need help with legal content, a business translator will not be able to help you. When official papers have to be translated for immigration, then you should contact the most qualified expert.

It is worth mentioning that people in need of linguistic services generally have two options in front of them: they can either hire a freelancer or an agency. Although freelancing is a huge industry, it may not be very helpful to someone who needs a specialized translation. This is why an agency is always the better choice. If they have multiple experts on their team, they will have no trouble in providing you the assistance you require. They will deliver accurate results within a day, and you will be able to submit the translation to the authorities without the fear of rejection.

Certify Translations

Choosing the right agency is not very difficult. You can compare the big names, check their rates, and read the reviews left by their previous customers to figure out which is the best one. Make sure to choose the one that is not only affordable but also has the most qualified linguistic experts on its team.

How Do You Know if An Agency is Able to Certify Translations?


Certified translations are very important, and if they don’t fulfill a small requirement of USCIS, they will get rejected. This is why it is important to make sure that the service you are getting will not be a waste of your money. But how do you know if an agency you are hiring can certify translations? Well, there are a few boxes you can check to figure out if an agency is a right choice for you or not. Here are they:

best certified translations
  • Membership:

If an agency is a member of one of the translators’ associations like ATA, then you know they will be able to provide you with quality services. No company with a membership of ATA will provide low-quality service. They would know which translators to hire to provide certified translations to their clients.

  • Native Translators:

Although it isn’t the only requirement for providing quality service, it is still highly important. A native speaker will be able to understand their language completely. They would know how to properly do their job. They will be competent enough to provide a signed statement to the client.

  • Reviews:

Believe it or not, but reviews can tell you a lot about the work quality of a company. If they have been providing satisfactory services to others, then that means they can successfully certify translations. Clients would not be leaving positive reviews if their documents were not accepted by USCIS.

  • Guarantee:

For companies, their relationship with their clients is everything. If they guarantee you that their work will be accepted by the authorities, then you can count on them. There are agencies that put it on their website that they offer a 100% guarantee of USCIS acceptance. They are the ones you should not have any trouble trusting.

  • Experience:

If an agency has been in the field for more than a decade, then you can count on them. No company can survive for long if it is not delivering on its promises. But if it has been working in the industry for so long, that could only mean that people trust it to handle their documents and provide them with the service they require.

If you are in need of linguistic assistance for the first time, you will feel really confused and anxious. It will be difficult for you to figure out which company to trust. However, the good news is that there are good agencies for you to find and they work hard to provide satisfactory services to their clients around the clock. You will only have to find them, something you can do with the help of the internet. You can compare all aspects of big agencies and then see which one suits your needs in the best way possible. If they have reasonable rates and amazing reviews, then you should definitely give them a chance. You can also get in touch with agencies directly and talk to them to see how they handle potential customers. This is a great way to get the answers to any questions you might have regarding their services. Make sure that they know what you need the translation for and get a guarantee from them that their work will be accepted by USCIS.

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