what language do they speak in india

What language do they speak in India?

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Hindi is the national language of India and one of the world’s most widely spoken mother tongues. It is estimated that over 41% of the Indian population are native speakers of Hindi. It is a member of the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European language family and the official language of Uttar Pradesh, North India, and Himachal Pradesh. It is also recognized as an official language by the Central Government. This is also used as a Parliament On Official Language. Hindi is standard among non-native speakers across India, such as those who speak English or other languages. It is also a significant factor in India’s international relations, with many international organizations using it as a working language. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script, while its sister language, Urdu, is written in the Perso-Arabic script. These two languages form the core of the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European family of languages, which dominate Northern India and Western India, respectively. The Dravidian language family creates another major factor in Indian linguistics; millions speak Tamil and Telugu throughout India.

In the 20th century, major languages in India, serving official purposes at both national and all-India levels, became the language of business and administrative purposes. While Hindi emerged as the largest language and the national anthem is in Bengali, the country’s linguistic landscape is rich with regional dialects and indigenous languages. The term “mother tongue category” acknowledges the diversity, encompassing the population’s major dialects and distinct languages. Language diversity remains a hallmark, reflecting the nation’s unique linguistic tapestry and the speakers’ varied terms.

In summary, Hindi is the official language of two states and the national language of India. Its use as a common language and its recognition by the Central Government have made it a significant factor in India’s international relations. English speakers are more affluent, educated, and likely upper caste. Data from the Lok Foundation survey shows that Hindi is India’s most widely spoken first and second language. English speakers are very much India’s elite. Their proportion may be shrinking, new data on the demographic profile of English language speakers in India suggests. It is written in the Devanagari script and is part of the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European family of languages, which dominates much of Northern and Western India. Finally, its use alongside other languages from the Dravidian family makes it one of the most widely used native tongues in the country.

In the parliamentary proceedings of India in 2024, the Department of Official Language, overseeing Central government offices, prioritizes linguistic diversity by recognizing major language families like Western Hindi and Eastern Hindi. The India List identifies languages, including American Indian languages, reflecting the rich linguistic tapestry of the country. The online population related to the Hindi language in India demonstrates its widespread usage and significance in diverse communication channels.

what language do indians speak
language india speaks


English is the official language of India, spoken by around 125 million people. It is one of the 22 scheduled languages recognized by the Central Government and is the national language, along with Hindi. English has a long history in India, as it was introduced during British rule. It has been used in education and business since the 19th century and remains an integral part of Indian culture today. English is one of the two official languages of the Union of India, along with Hindi. The language is also one of the two official languages of Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh, two of the most populous states in India. Although English is not considered a native tongue in India, it is still widely spoken by native speakers from Northern and Western India. This is also used as a Parliament On Official Language. English is considered a significant factor in Indian society due to its status as a common language amongst different parts of the population. It helps to bridge communication gaps between various ethnic, linguistic, religious, and geographical backgrounds. India Faces a Linguistic Truth: English Spoken Here BBC News Asia: Ten “Big Facts” about India NPR: Indians Learn to Speak in Two Languages at Once The Times of India. Despite being an official language, English is not related to any language family native to India, such as the Dravidian language family or the Devanagari script of Northern India. Instead, English belongs to the Indo-European language family and is written using the Latin alphabet and Perso-Arabic script. English continues to be an essential part of Indian culture today and is spoken by around 10% of the Indian population. As a result, it can be seen as a significant factor in Indian society due to its ability to act as a common language amongst different sections of the population. As such, English remains an official state language in many parts of India and continues to be a crucial part of India’s diverse cultural heritage.


Bengali is one of India’s most widely spoken languages and one of the country’s official National Languages. It is also one of the country’s “Mother Tongues.” It is the native tongue of over 83 million people, primarily in the eastern states of Uttar Pradesh, North India, and Himachal Pradesh. The Central Government of India has declared Bengali as a common language to be used in all government areas, and it is widely taught throughout the country. It is also recognized as a minority language. This is also used as a Parliament On Official Language. Bengali is an official language with official status in more than one state. SIL International. Jain, Bharti (27 June 2018). “Hindi mother tongue of 44% in India, Bangla second most-spoken”.The Economic Times. The language, sometimes called Bangla, is a part of the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European family of languages and is closely related to Hindi and other languages from Northern India. It also has some similarities to the English language and is often seen as a bridge between Indian and British cultures. However, it is most closely related to the Dravidian Language Family, which includes several other Indian languages, including Tamil and Telugu. Bengali uses the Devanagari script for several other Indian languages, including Hindi and Marathi. It uses a Perso-Arabic hand in some areas, such as West Bengal and Tripura. This dual writing system is a significant factor in the success of Bengali, as it allows native speakers from different parts of the country to communicate with each other more effectively.
Overall, Bengali is a widely spoken language in India, and its use as an ordinary and official state language has been an essential factor in the success of India’s population. It is part of the Dravidian family of languages used by many ethnicities across southern and western India. Both British and Arabic cultures have heavily influenced it. This makes Bengali a vibrant language that connects many parts of India.


Telugu is a South Indian language and one of India’s two national languages, along with Hindi. It is spoken by over 78 million people, mainly in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, and some parts of Karnataka, Sri Lanka, and Tamil Nadu, with official status in more than one state. It’s also used in Nagar Haveli. It is also a co-official language. Not only that, it is one of the majority languages in India. Archived from the original on 22 February 2013. “2011 Census tables: C-16, population by mother tongue”.Census of India Website. Telugu is one of the mother tongues of the Indian population and is spoken by native speakers as a common language in most parts of the country. SIL International.Jain, Bharti (27 June 2018). “Hindi mother tongue of 38% in India, Telegu third most-spoken”.The Economic Times. It is also the official language in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. In terms of its origin, Telugu is part of the Dravidian language family, and it is closely related to Tamil. This is also used as a Parliament On Official Language. The Austroasiatic, Dravidian, and foreign languages such as Persian and Arabic have also influenced Telugu. The Telugu language is written using the Devanagari script and a Perso-Arabic script. It is a significant factor in the cultural identity of both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and is widely spoken in Northern India and Western India. Telugu is the primary language spoken in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, making it the official state language for these two regions. Sanskrit, Persian, and English have influenced the language over the centuries. Telegu is a modern language. Overall, Telugu is an integral part of the Indian culture, as it is part of a family of languages widely spoken across India. It is also an official language in the two states and thus plays a vital role in their identities.

In India 2024, Telugu, a sole language, holds significance at the national level, featuring prominently in the list of languages spoken. Its prevalence creates vast business opportunities, and in terms of speakers, it stands as a single language, contributing to the diverse linguistic fabric of the country.

what do indian speak


Tamil is one of the major national languages of India and one of the 22 scheduled languages of India, designated as an official language by the Central Government. It is also one of the Mother Tongues in India and is spoken by most people. Tamil is a member of the Dravidian language family and is native to the Indian state of Tamil Nadu and parts of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Puducherry, Uttar Pradesh, Sri Lanka, and Himachal Pradesh. Tamil is believed to be one of the oldest languages in India and is native to the southern part of India. Tamil has some of the oldest literature of all modern Indo-Aryan languages. It is also a common language used between people from different parts of India and abroad, especially among those of Tamil origin living outside India. It is estimated that there are nearly 77 million native speakers of Tamil throughout India, making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the country. India Faces a Linguistic Truth: English Spoken Here BBC News Asia. The Tamil language uses the Devanagari script and the Perso-Arabic script. The Devanagari script is commonly used in northern India, while the Perso-Arabic script is mainly used in western India. A significant factor contributing to Tamil’s popularity is its presence in some of the famous movies made in India. Northeast India. Tamil is a part of the Dravidian family of languages and has been classified as one of the official State Languages in India. It is also one of the most common languages in India, with many people speaking it as their native tongue. English is also often used as a foreign language, alongside Tamil, as a common language between people from different parts of India.

In conclusion, Tamil is one of the oldest languages spoken in India, significantly contributing to the Indian population’s linguistic diversity. It belongs to the Dravidian family of languages and is officially recognized as an official State Language in many states across Northern and Western India. With 77 million native speakers throughout India, it is one of the most widely spoken languages in the country. Read more about the Tamil birth certificates.

language indian speak


Marathi is one of the official languages of India and is classified as an Indo-Aryan language. It is the primary language of the state of Maharashtra and is one of the 22 national languages recognized by the Indian government. It is also spoken in Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh. Marathi is a member of the Indo-Aryan language family, a significant factor in making it the third-most spoken language in India. While English is India’s most common language, Marathi is the second most common language among Indian citizens. This is also used as a Parliament On Official Language. It is estimated that more than 90 million people speak Marathi as their native tongue. The Marathi language uses the Devanagari script derived from the ancient Brahmi script. This script uses symbols called “matras” to form words, which makes it easier for native speakers to learn. It is also written in Perso-Arabic script in areas with a sizeable Muslim population. Marathi is one of India’s mother tongues and is a common language among people from different ethnic backgrounds. It is an essential language for local commerce, politics, and education. In addition to being Maharashtra’s official state primary language, it is also recognized as a co-official language of some northern and western Indian states. Marathi is an essential language for India’s population, culture, and economy. Its membership in the Indo-Aryan and Dravidian families of language makes it a unique aspect of India’s linguistic heritage.


Urdu is one of India’s many languages and the National Language. It is also one of the two official languages of the Central Government, alongside English. It is a member of the Indo-Aryan family of languages. It is the native tongue of about 260 million people, mainly located in Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh in Northern India and Western India. Urdu is considered one of the Mother Tongues in India and is related to Hindi and other languages of the Indo-European family. Urdu has some of the oldest literature of all modern Indo-Aryan languages. The perso-Arabic script is derived from Arabic, while Persian, Turkish, and Sanskrit have heavily influenced its vocabulary. A significant factor in its growth as a language has been its incorporation of words from the Dravidian language family, which dominates the Indian subcontinent. This is also used as a Parliament On Official Language. Urdu is one of India’s 22 officially recognized regional languages. As a result of its influence in the region, Urdu has become the most common language amongst Indians and the primary language of the Indian population. It is also widely used as a second language amongst non-native speakers due to its status as a common language.
The Devanagari script, used for writing Hindi and other languages of the Indo-Aryan family, is also used for composing Urdu. This further highlights its widespread usage across India, making it an essential language for both native and non-native speakers alike. Urdu is recognized as an official state language in some states, such as Uttar Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh. In conclusion, Urdu is a unique language that is an integral part of Indian culture. It is one of the two national languages alongside English and is spoken by millions throughout Northern and Western India. As a primary language in India’s linguistic landscape, it holds a special place in the hearts of many native speakers, making it an invaluable part of the country’s cultural heritage.


Gujarati is one of India’s 22 official languages and 14 regional languages. It is the official language of the state of Gujarat and one of the Mother Tongues spoken by over 46 million native speakers across India, making it the 26th most spoken language in the world. It is also an official language in the union territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, as well as in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, and Maharashtra.
The Central Government of India has declared Gujarati a National Language due to its extensive use across India and the diaspora. Gujarati belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European family of languages. In India, Gujarati is part of the Indo-Aryan subgroup, along with Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, and Punjabi. Gujrati has some of the oldest literature of all modern Indo-Aryan languages.
As a significant factor in understanding Gujarati, it must be noted that it is written in two scripts – the Devanagari script used in Northern India and the Perso-Arabic script used in Western India. While both are in use today, Devanagari is considered the official script for Gujarati.
Due to its widespread use in India and its status as a National Language, Gujarati is spoken by more than half of the Indian population. It is also related to other languages within the Dravidian family, making it a popular choice for many Native Tongue speakers across India.
In summary, Gujarati is a significant part of India’s diverse language family and is an Official State Language in several states and union territories. Its use as a Common Language across India makes it a significant factor in understanding Indian culture.


Kannada is one of the national languages of India, as well as one of its mother tongues. Native speakers speak it in the Indian states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. The central government has recognized Kannada as an official state language and is used in state administration. It is the only modern language officially recognized as a classical language native. It was declared as a classical language of India in 2014. As one of India’s most commonly spoken languages, Kannada is an integral part of the Indian population’s linguistic heritage. It is a member of the Dravidian language family, which comprises many languages mainly spoken in Southern India. The Devanagari script is used to write Kannada, while some dialects use the Perso-Arabic hand. Kannada has some of the oldest literature of all modern Indo-Aryan languages.
Kannada is an essential language for many Indians because it is a common language for different linguistic groups. It serves as a significant factor in the cultural identity of South India and has been used for centuries to communicate with people from other parts of the country. As a native tongue, it has been around since ancient times and is still used today.
Kannada is also the official state language of Karnataka and has been used as a medium of instruction in schools in this region for many years. Additionally, it is widely spoken in Northern India and Western India, serving as a bridge between Hindi and English for many of the local populations there.
Overall, Kannada has played an essential role in developing the Dravidian family of languages. As one of the oldest languages in India and an official state language, Kannada continues to be used extensively by the people of South India and beyond.


Oriya is one of the many languages spoken in India and is a National Language. It is one of the mother tongues of people living in Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, West Bengal, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. The Central Government officially recognized it as a language in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution. Odia is primarily spoken and has official language status in the Indian state of Odisha. Although not a common language, Oriya is widely spoken throughout India by an estimated 41 million people, making it one of the most commonly spoken languages in the country. Oriya is written using the Devanagari script known as “Odiya.” It is said by native speakers in Northern and Western India and is used in literature, education, and governmental documents. A small portion of the population also says Oriya in a Perso-Arabic script.
Oriya has become essential in unifying the Indian population and has been adopted as an official state language in Odisha. This language has also preserved its native tongue over time, making it an essential family of languages in India. English has become a significant factor in India today as more and more people are learning and speaking it, but Oriya remains a vital part of India’s cultural landscape.


Punjabi is one of the many native languages of India, and a large number of people across the country speak it. It is primarily said in the state of Punjab, as well as parts of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, North India, and Uttar Pradesh. The language is also widely spoken by many members of the Indian diaspora in other countries.

The language is the primary tribal language of Jharkhand. Thus, the language is the primary tribal language of Jharkhand. Punjabi is an Indo-Aryan language that belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. It has unique grammar and syntax and is written in the Devanagari and Perso-Arabic scripts. In recent years, Punjabi has become a popular language for various Indian media, including cinema, literature, and radio.
Due to its widespread use in northern India, Punjabi is often considered one of the national languages of India, along with Hindi and English. In some areas, such as western India, it is one of the official state languages. It is also a significant factor in communication among the Indian population, serving as a common language when two speakers do not share a native tongue.
Despite being classified as an Indo-Aryan language, Punjabi contains elements from other languages, such as the Dravidian family. This makes it a vibrant language that is constantly evolving due to outside influences.
Punjabi is one of India’s oldest languages and is one of the most widely used mother tongues. Even though it is not the official language, Punjabi plays a significant role in the cultural identity of Indian citizens, and its influence on other languages makes it a genuinely unique linguistic experience.


Assamese is one of India’s most widely spoken languages and one of India’s national languages. It is also one of the 22 official languages of the country and is also one of India’s mother tongues. It is the official language of Delhi and Punjab. Assamese is spoken by around 15 million native speakers, primarily in northeastern Assam and parts of Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh. The Central Government of India recognizes Assamese as an official language to ensure that it remains a common language among Indian citizens, regardless of the region in which they live. The language is rooted in the Indo-Aryan family of languages and closely relates to Bengali, another widely spoken language in India. It has also been influenced by languages from the Dravidian language family and uses the Devanagari script as its primary writing system. The Ahom language, a Southwestern Tai language, had been once the dominant language of the Ahom Kingdom in modern-day Assam but was later replaced by the Assamese language. The adoption of English as a common language for Indian citizens has been a significant factor in the spread of Assamese throughout India. Despite its relatively limited number of native speakers, it is understood by many people in Northern India, Western India, and even some parts of Bangladesh. The Assamese language is seen by many as the native tongue of Assam. It has also been heavily influenced by Persian-Arabic script and other languages due to historical migrations into Assam. As a result, Assamese resembles Hindi, though it has its own distinct grammar and pronunciation rules. It is officially recognized as an official state language in Assam and holds an essential place in the culture and identity of Assam’s people.

In conclusion, Assamese is one of India’s 22 officially recognized languages, making it part of a more prominent family of languages known as the Dravidian family. It is natively spoken in the northeastern state of Assam and parts of Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh. Despite its limited number of native speakers, it is understood by many people across Northern India, Western India, and even some parts of Bangladesh. As such, it is a significant factor in unifying the Indian population and ensuring all citizens have a common language to communicate.

In India, language diversity is not only profound but also integral to its cultural fabric. With Hindi recognized as the official language, the country boasts a rich tapestry of over 1,600 languages and dialects. Among these, ancient languages like Sanskrit and Tamil hold significant historical and cultural importance, serving as repositories of ancient wisdom and literary heritage. Indian languages reflect regional identities and are vehicles for preserving diverse cultural traditions and practices. Despite the dominance of Hindi and English in administrative and educational spheres, efforts to promote and preserve indigenous languages play a crucial role in maintaining India’s linguistic and cultural diversity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any official languages in India?

Yes, India has two official languages: Hindi and English. However, many states within India have their official languages as well.

What are some of the others spoken languages in India?

Apart from Hindi, other commonly spoken languages in India include Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Gujarati, Kannada, and Urdu.

Is it possible to travel to India without knowing the local languages?

Yes, it is possible to travel in India without knowing any local languages, as English is widely spoken and understood in major cities and tourist destinations. However, learning a few basic phrases in the local language can help communicate with locals.

Are there any regions in India where a particular language is predominant?

There are several regions in India where a specific language is dominant. For example, Tamil Nadu is predominantly a Tamil-speaking state, while Maharashtra is predominantly a Marathi-speaking state.

How important is language in India's diverse cultural landscape?

Language is integral to India’s diverse cultural landscape, reflecting its rich history, traditions, and social norms. India’s linguistic diversity is one of its unique strengths and is celebrated as a source of national pride.

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